Januray 16, 1946

Dear Dad,

The war is over. When are you coming home?

Sounds like burning your shirt was something that seemed to carry on with you having that kind of dumb back luck all your life!  Remember that skunk that was running away from you and ended up in your shop?  You both got burned! Well, but he died, you only gave up your eyebrows, arm hair, and some of your head hair.

I wonder where the article ended up that you sent home with your letter. I have seen many articles, but don't remember each one. I wish, also that I had the pictures that you often sent home.

What was the problem with Aunt Lidia and Uncle Conrad? I think that must have been one of those family things that was smoothed out before I was old enough to understand the rift. I'm glad. Aunt Lidia is still alive, Dad. I should go visit her - she remembers a lot of things, like that she is my GodMother.

Today is February 16th, Dad. Happy late Valentines day. I wanted to send you XXOO on Sunday, but Stephanie and Dan were here for my birthday. It's getting harder and harder for me to do my yard work and with the surgery I had, I couldn't do any of it this fall, so they did it for me on Sunday. You would have enjoyed Dan, Dad. You would have told him he needed to spend a summer with us out on the farm. I agree, but Dan is a wonderful young man and Stephanie and he are good together.

Bye, Dad. Love and miss you.

(Note: If any of you from Germany, Brussels, or surrounding areas remember my dad, or your parents spoke of my dad, I would love to hear from you).


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