Happy Birthday Stephanie

This, my first entry, is for my daughter Stephanie. She has patiently supported my endeavor to write and has provided me with much support and assistance (not to mention encouragement in the form of subtle shoving) in getting this blog off the ground.
The picture attached to today's post is one I took of Stephanie several years ago. It is one of my favorites because, looking back, it shows the powerful young woman she has become.
More about my daughter later, but for now, watch this site for writing projects, my favorite recipes, quilting projects, photography, and anything else I find that elicits a need for prose.
you bet, I'll be visiting. I believe I'm going to love blogging! Yea! However, I need to find a job or I will be sending my blogs in via snail mail on the back of a donkey and chiseled from rock. So, though I may be slow, I will find a way...