Oh, the irony of it all!

Well, I've been job hunting. I fleetingly thought of freelancing but that is as stressful as creating resumes and cover letters. I have been offered a job, finally, and here is the irony of job hunting:

It seems that many employers are moving toward hiring only those people who are networked and now, only those who have experience. That statement in and of itself is an oxymoron. How can one possibly get experience, if they have to have experience to get a job! I have a degree in Sociology, by the way.

During the year I've been looking for a job, I have been turned down for not speaking Spanish (I live in America), not having enough experience with social situations (again, I live in America), and because I don't have enough experience in any field (6 1/2 years with the same company - a lending institution).

Things are so bad that when I applied online for openings at a local hospital, I was turned down within 40 minutes because I don't speak Spanish.

So, in a day or two, I will give you the history of languages of my family in America.



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